Use this form to send your business details for the directory

(You need to be a member of the society)

Business Details

Please type the name of your business
Describe the business in 30 characters or less

Ideally your logo image should be square (no more than 300 x 300 pixels)

Invalid Input

Succinctly describe your services or products using up to four lines

Each line is limited to 40 characters (including spaces)

Type the first line of text
Type the first line of text
Type the first line of text
Type the first line of text
Invalid Input
Please check your email address is correct

Details of the society member completing this form

Please complete your Member number
Please tell us your first name.
Please let us know your Last name.
Please let us know your email address.
Invalid Input
Please type your message.
Business DirectoryBusiness Directory


Phone: +64 3 338 8020

Christchurch Irish Society Inc.
29 Domain Terrace
Spreydon, Christchurch 8140

Location Map

Postal Address

Christchurch Irish Society Inc.
P. O. Box 1706, Christchurch