We are asking for your Support in helping us make this Sunday's Tea for Tadhg a grand event
We ask all members to come down and join us for a cuppa this Sunday, as we aim to raise funds to help support Laura & Greg on their journey of recovery and rehabilitation for Tadhg.
This incident has put significant financial strain on Laura & Greg, having to pay for additional accommodation in Auckland, airfares to and from Auckland, along with other associated expenses, let alone being off work for Laura since September last year. All funds raised are going directly to assist them with care needs for Tadhg.
Tenner for Tadhg
We have done voluntary work on the home to assist Laura & Greg in being able to bring Tadhg back home to Christchurch. I would like to thank members of the Irish Trade Connection group - Sean Curtin - Curtin Painters & Decorators and David Igoe - Inx Plastering for giving generously of time and materials.
I would ask all members to please consider donating a Tenner for Tadhg, I will be leading the way with the first Tenner in, if all of our members and friends of the Society contribute we would easily raise $2k straight away. Let's spread the word far and wide and see if we can break our $2k target.
Donations can be made directly to the Christchurch Irish Society account:
BNZ 02 0800 0911662 00 - reference Laura & Greg.
Look forward to seeing you this Sunday at the Clubrooms at 1:30pm.
Kind Regards,