Makere Fahey-Herewini
Team Member
Tēnā koutou e te whānau
I whakapapa to Rāpaki marae through my Māmā Bebe Kiatoa Fahey nee Tauwhare where I have been involved since I was a youngin.
My links to Ireland go to Galway Bay and come through my Pāpā Patrick Milton Fahey. From the first time of setting foot in the Irish Society I have had a real sense of belonging. I have been enjoying learning about all things Irish. I enjoy helping and being involved when I can.
Being a committee member is about working as a team and making sure we are doing what is best for the society and the Irish community. We have a saying in Māori
“Mā Pango Mā Whero Kā Oti Ai Te Mahi” (working together to get the job done). As long as we continue to work together we cannot go wrong.